TextoGraf Publishing
TextoGraf Publishing is a Swedish company specialized in athletics and situated in Trångsund south of Stockholm. The book publishing started in 2006:
• FRIIDROTT. The Swedish annual book of athletics, edited by Jonas Hedman, started in 1961 and has been published by TextoGraf since 2007. FRIIDROTT 2015 will be published in May 2015 and is the 55th edition. The book covers world and Scandinavian athletics including detailed championships and major events results with narrative, world outdoor top 50 year and all-time-lists, top 25 Scandinavian and Swedish year and all-time lists plus indoor top tens and record lists for World, Europe, Scandinavia and Sweden for all seniors, juniors and youth. 488 pages, 170x240 mm, 363 pictures, hard cover. More info.
• Sweden’s Top Athletes in Track and Field – men all-time (Jonas Hedman). December 2007. Interviews with 19 av Sweden's topp male track and field athlets of all time – from Javelin Thrower Eric Lemming to Triple Jumper Christian Olsson. 43 pages, 170x240 mm, 160 pictures. More info.
• The book about the Swedish Athletics Championships 1896–2005 (Erik Wiger and Jonas Hedman), published in July 2006. Contains all outdoor medallists including narratives and pictures of the first 110 years of the Swedish championships. 280 pages, 210x270 mm, 227 pictures, hard cover. More info.
• Swedish All-time lists for men (Bengt Holmberg). May 2009. Up to 1000 deep lists, 664 pages, 170x240 mm. (The book is sold out.)
Next book to be published: Sweden’s international matches over 100 years (Jonas Hedman and Erik Wiger). All results from Sweden's more than seven hundred international matches for seniors, juniors and youth including narratives and pictures. 582 pages, 210x270 mm, hard cover. Pre-order the book by sending an email to order@textograf.com. More info.
TextoGraf Publishing
Springarvägen 14
142 61 Trångsund
+46 709 99 51 04
Owner: Jonas Hedman